Our Disobedience Robs Other People

Our disobedience affects other people.

God allows us to learn from our mistakes.

Sometimes we learn to obey God at the expense of other people. It’s unfortunate, but it’s a valuable lesson if we chose to learn from it. I had such a lesson yesterday.

I ran out during my lunch time to do errands and stopped at a fast food restaurant to pick up a quick bite. On my way through the parking lot, I saw a man walking awkwardly to his car. There seemed be something wrong with his hip alignment, because his walk way tilted dramatically.

I felt that I should have offered to pray for his healing, but I didn’t. My head was on lunch. I was in a hurry. I felt badly for the man, but I didn’t take time to obey.

I felt great conviction as I left. I realized that God could have healed someone and changed his life, but I didn’t give Him the opportunity. God impressed on me how much He loved that man and my schedule got in the way of healing.

I am filled with gratitude that God forgives when we confess our sins. I now have the mindset to consider working through God’s love and how it will affect other people. My schedule is irrelevant.  My awkwardness at offering prayer does not compare to how the person’s life can be changed. I’m just sorry that I learned this at that man’s expense.

Another post on obedience: Fear Of Man Is Obeying The Enemy


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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