Oh You Of Great Faith!

Start trusting Him in the small things.

God has you covered. Just believe.

There were four times when Jesus said to the disciples, Oh you of little faith.

1. When He described how God made the grass beautiful. Of course He would take care to cloth us–and take care of all our needs.

2. When He spoke to the storm to bring peace to the wind and waves.

3. When Peter tried to walk on water.

4. When the disciples said they didn’t bring bread with them.

It’s clear that Jesus expects us to trust God completely for all our needs, for our safety, for miracles when we need it. He expected, if not great faith, at least enough faith to allow God to do what we need Him to. What He saw was little faith–not even enough to trust.

That’s a good place to start. Can you trust God for what you need? Can you trust Him to bring peace to the storm? Those are just the basics. Once you can get used to Him covering the easy stuff, you can start to trust Him for the really big stuff.

The amazing thing is, our really big stuff is just as easy for Him to fix as the basic stuff. We just have to start with what faith we have and believe, then believe some more. He should start calling you, You of great faith!

Another post on faith: Nothing Is Going To Happen Until You Believe


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


One thought on “Oh You Of Great Faith!

  1. Pingback: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Go Cross-Cultural | Learning To Walk With God---Diana Symons

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