The Simple Test To See Where Your Heart Is

A rich young man went to Jesus and asked, “What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” After he clarified that he had been keeping the law since his youth, Jesus touched him where it hurt. He said, “Go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.” (Mat 19: 16-21)

God wants your whole heart, not part of it.

God wants your whole heart, not part of it.

The young man went into shock. He did not see that coming, because he thought that his efforts had been for God when they weren’t. If his life had been focused on God, above everything, he would have said, “Ok.” His reaction made it clear that he was going through the steps of obedience without the heart of obedience. His heart didn’t belong to God. God was secondary to everything else in his life.

How would you answer Jesus? Could you give up the one thing that you think is most important in your life? Could you do that cheerfully? Sometimes He doesn’t make it easy. He’s not calling everyone to sell what they own, but if you can’t, it shows that your trust is not in Him. If God asks you to give up something, it’s because He’s about to give you something better. Will you trust Him? Will you trust Him just because? Set your priorities now. Don’t make Him test you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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