Our Church Differences Make Us God’s Family

We are all family

We are all family

If we can agree that salvation requires our acceptance of Jesus’s death on the cross for our sins, can we give the rest a break? All the denominations and forms of church are not that big a deal. What if the “other guys” are actually ok? What if God’s just fine with how they do church? What if we’ve been just a tad Pharisaic in judging other churches?

The formality, or lack of formality, in a service doesn’t change who God is. I think He’s fine either way, as long as the expression of worship is heartfelt and not rote repetition without personal meaning. It may be the same prayer read every single time, but if the meaning and expression of it is sincere, then what’s not to love?

We want to relate each other based on preconceived ideas of how things are done. That’s helpful for basic understanding, but not for creating a community of believers. We don’t need an “us” against “them” mentality.

Stop and consider if there are worship or teaching formats that you don’t approve of and ask yourself why. If the heart is right, why would that format be wrong? Be open to other believers and how they love God. We are family and our differences are wonderful.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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