In The Clash Of Kingdoms, God Always Wins

In the clash of power, God always wins.

In the clash of power, God always wins.

When the kingdom of this world clashes against the kingdom of God, God always wins. Always. The goodness of God is so much greater than hate, envy, fear, or deception. The power of heaven that Jesus carried never failed to save, heal, and deliver. When the spirits of the enemy saw Him coming, they panicked.

The power of God is so much greater than the power of the enemy. Of course. God is the creator, the enemy is the created one. There is no close second. And Jesus gave His name to us to use as His agents of authority. When I speak in His name, the spirits of the enemy are just as afraid as when Jesus speaks.

We have the authority to do so much through the kingdom of God. Love overpowers hate. Peace overpowers fear. Healing overpowers brokenness. Releasing the power of heaven into a chaotic situation restores peace. When people confess sin and let go of unforgiveness, the power of sickness, depression, and pain must go. Life and love and healing can come in.

Evil has never been as powerful as good. The devil has never been as powerful as God. Never. In the end, every knee will bow before Jesus. Jesus is Lord and His power is the greatest power. In the clash of kingdoms, God always wins.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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