The Kingdom Of God Requires Active Participation

Faith builds strong foundationsThe kingdom of God requires active participation. You can’t sit and listen and assume that you don’t have to do anything as long as you believe. Whatever you hear and learn, you are required to act on.

Jesus said that whoever hears His word and acts on it is like the man who built his house on solid rock. The man who heard but did nothing built his house on sand. When the storm came, great was the ruin of the house. (Luke 6:47-49)

But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? (Luke 6:46) There is a reason why we have to act on what we learn. It pulls us out of complaisant apathy to faith. Will God do what He said He would? Once we act on our faith, God will move. He will do nothing if we sit on our hands and do nothing.

Acting out of faith builds our foundation because we begin to believe for greater and greater things. If you have never walked in real faith, it’s time to get started. Jesus said very clearly that the ruin of the house built on sand was great. Don’t let that be you.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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