The Secret To Living In The Power Of God

If you are a believer filled with the Spirit of God, you are a great and mighty warrior armed with power and might. You have all authority on earth to declare the Word of God and release His kingdom everywhere you go. You are a powerful light of truth to a world looking for life. So how do you arm yourself?

Humility is a powerful weapon.

Humility is a powerful weapon.

The secret to walking in the power of God is humility. The Jesus mindset is to serve others. The first shall be last. Don’t worry, you won’t be left out. Gratefulness and thankfulness ground you in humility to keep you safe from ego and pretension.

Humility is an opposite characteristic to our humanity. We are naturally selfish, so it takes God to put His Spirit in us to change us. Ask for it. Ask for a lot of it. Humility is attractive. It’s absolutely beautiful, and God loves it.

Humility means that you don’t have to announce all your accomplishments or need to be recognized. It means that you want others to succeed, even in the area you want success. It means loving people. When you respond in genuine love, it feels good to put others first.

Hand in hand with that, is the heartfelt thankfulness for what God has done for you. When you know where you came from and what He’s given you now, you can be dazzled by His awesomeness and love Him with true gratitude.

Armed with humility and thankfulness, God can really use you, because He can trust that you won’t let it go to your head. Once that happens, you’re on your own, and it won’t be pretty. Guard your heart. Stay humble and see what God has planned for you. It’s going to be amazing.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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