What Are You Waiting For? Go Change The World

Be the one to change the world.I love how God used Mary, an unwed teenager; Gideon, a timid man from an insignificant family; David, the least in his father’s house, possibly illegitimate. God spoke to kings, but most of the time He used the ones who didn’t feel qualified. So why do we think that we aren’t important enough, or smart enough, or valued enough for God to use us?

One person can change history. All it takes is a willingness to obey, especially the commandment to love God and people. Once we get that down, He can use us. It doesn’t always have to be dramatic fire from heaven. He can be very subtle, but effective to establish His kingdom.

Let it be you. You be the one He uses to touch your family, your workplace, your city, your nation. Be like Samuel and say, Here am I. The humble will inherit the earth, so let humility direct your heart.

We don’t know why God chose to use us, but He does. The mess we see in society is largely due to the church not stepping up to love people the way we’re told to. Don’t wait for your friends to agree with you. Don’t wait for leaders to lead the way. God is calling you. The fields are white for harvest and there are very few laborers. Make a difference. Be the one.

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