Your Tongue Is Your Scariest Weapon

How you speak effects you life.

Use your words for good and not evil.

God has give you a tremendous power and you have the ability to use it for both good and evil. The pen might be mightier than the sword, but the tongue can affect life and death. If there was a way to journal everything you said all day, like writing down everything you eat for a diet, you’d be shocked at how much negative stuff flies out of your mouth.

I once had a best friend who stopped being my friend because she said I was so negative and depressing. Until she told me that, I had no idea that I was affecting her so negatively. I literally could not hear myself talking that way. Granted, it was during a time when my husband left me and I was facing divorce, so I was understandably depressed, but you can also see why there were problems with my marriage. I had so much for to God to heal.

Ask God to show you what you are saying–really saying. Your words carry power. They can uplift and encourage, or they can mock and destroy. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love…(ICor 13:1)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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