Category Archives: Kingdom of God

Crucible Heart–My Book Is Out!

Crucible HeartHow do you look in the mirror after you’ve killed a child? Does it matter if it was an accident? Jenna’s heart was so filled with guilt and despair that life was not worth living. How could God possibly break through her walls of pain? Jenna’s story is one of honest forgiveness and redemption.

This is the story of a young woman trying to find her life after prison. She is spunky, yet completely broken by her past. Her pain is more than she can bear, until she finds God.



Available at:



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I hope you like it!


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

What Is Salvation?

what salvationSalvation is not believing in God and going to church. The demons in hell believe in God, and going to church doesn’t save you any more than going to the corner deli. Jesus didn’t preach about salvation. He preached about the kingdom of God.  Continue reading

Why Is The Kingdom Of God Backward?

humility humilityI can’t help but notice that there is a common thread running through all the backward ways of the kingdom. We give God our tithe and we live with more. He makes us kings and priests yet servants that wash feet. He tells us to ask, then expects us to wait. What gives?
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Insignificance Is A Big Deal

God used the insignificant to show His greatness.

God does not need your success to be God, just your heart.

Moses was a baby pulled out of the river. Joseph was sold into slavery and thrown into prison. Gideon and David were the least in their fathers’ houses. Jesus was born in a stable. There’s something significant about how God sees value and destiny. Continue reading

Don’t Isolate Yourself

the body of ChristThere seems to be a lot of people who stay home on Sundays and watch services on the Internet or on TV. Even more will actually go to Church, then leave immediately, never stopping to say hello or enjoy fellowship. For people with serious reasons for not being able to go to church, I understand. For the others, I do not. Continue reading