Category Archives: Kingdom of God

When Love Covers Sin

loves coveres a multitude of sinHatred stirs up strife  but love covers all sins. (Pro 10:12) Sometimes we’re offended if justice isn’t served. If someone has been in the wrong, we expect them to act contritely and feel badly about what they did. But what if they don’t? Continue reading

God’s Love Meets Every Need

Love Him like a joyful child and He will be your awesome Father.

Give your heart to Him and He will meet every need in your life.

The love of God is so complete, that nothing is ever left out. When we fall into His arms, He takes care of us completely. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. (Mat 6:33) Our job, our housing, our family, our future–all are safe in His hands. Continue reading

Being Faithful In The Simple Things

render Caesar

Being faithful in the simple things

Some time ago, a friend told me how convicted she got while driving over the speed limit. At first I thought, Well, that’s for you. But God told her to be faithful in the small things. If He can’t trust us with the small things, how can He trust us with big things? Continue reading