Category Archives: Kingdom of God

Is Prosperity Good Or Bad?

what ever he does shall prosperProsperity gets a bad wrap in the Christian church. Some believe that as Christians, we should expect prosperity. Other think it’s selfish to make that assumption and harmful to those who don’t experience it. Continue reading

I’ve Been Set Apart. Have You?

God has a plan for you.

We are made to love God

There is something very moving about looking at our salvation from God’s perspective. Jesus’s death on the cross was intentional, planned before the foundations of the earth for a reason. He has drawn us to Himself because He adores us and it is His goal for us to understand that and love Him back. Continue reading

Caught Doing The Right Thing

from glory to glory

Every so often we’re given a glimpse of ourselves that we’d rather not see. We see our darker side, the side we don’t like to admit that we have. Some people show that darker side a lot more often than they realize.

When I see that in myself, I cringe and make declarations  that I will change. And for a while, I make great efforts to be better than I am. But it never lasts.  Continue reading