A Big Piece Of The Peace Of God

the Bible and peaceWhat does peace really mean? When God asks the question, you do a double take. Is it a trick question? Do I really know what it means? The definition of peace is what most people probably think of: the state prevailing during the absence of war. The absence of mental stress or anxiety. Get to know what it says in the Bible and what God really wants for you. The peace of God is fantastic.

Jesus said, My peace I give you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27) His peace is the absence of war, the absence of stress, and much more. It’s something in His Spirit that goes deep into our bones. I truly believe that if we soak in His peace, we fill our bodies with health and life. His peace is the best antioxidant ever.

If you have the peace of God, you cannot stress about anything. There’s no room for stress if your heart is filled with peace. When you are filled with His Spirit, you bring the kingdom of God into your home–righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, so your home cannot be stressful.

If you don’t have the peace of God in your life, ask for it. Don’t ask for it on the run, rest and receive it. Let it soak in and drain off all the issues that He wants to take care of for you. Once peace is established, then comes the joy.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


2 thoughts on “A Big Piece Of The Peace Of God

  1. Pingback: Find The God Of Peace And You’ll Find Rest For Your Soul | Learning To Walk With God---Diana Symons

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