Holy Spirit Is The Best Teacher Ever!

teach me your way But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things. (Jhn 14:26) I had a conversation with God about this. Exactly how does this work? I’m willing to be taught in all things. How will He teach me? Well, He gave me a little lesson.

First, I looked up every reference for the word “teach” in the Bible. Every time it meant that God will teach us, I wrote it down. I filled up a page and a half in my notebook. Then I put my notebook away and sat back to think about this. God said over and over that He would teach us His way. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would teach us in all things. What has to happen for that to happen?

Then I heard Him say, “You want to learn, but you put your notebook away.” Oops. I took it out again, pen ready. Then I heard Him say, “There is a place to begin in all things. The heart must be ready to hear. You must be ready to unlearn. Nothing is impossible. That is the great lesson.”

I stared at that–nothing is impossible. He made me write “nothing is impossible” 45 times. Nothing is impossible. Then I realized that I was unlearning something. He was teaching me something that I had learned wrong. It was my first lesson. Everything I do, must face with the realization that nothing is impossible with Him. I’m excited to see impossible things happen.

How will you be taught? Copying my lesson probably won’t work for you. You will have to sit at His feet and hear Him for yourself. If you want to be taught, He promises to teach. Imagine the things you will learn.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


2 thoughts on “Holy Spirit Is The Best Teacher Ever!

  1. erickr

    Thanks for the reminder and encouragement. He is amazing, and to be reminded that He wants to talk with us and to teach and to lead us is so valuable. I appreciate it. Blessings.


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