Fully Redeemed: Blood And Spirit

Jesus paid for every part of your life.

God can’t bless what you don’t give Him.

When you give your life to Christ, He gets it all. He paid the price of your sin with His own blood. It covers all that you are–body, soul, and spirit. There is no part of your life that you own anymore. But think about it. Why would you want any part of your life unredeemed, unsanctified? Why would you go into battle with parts of your body purposely exposed to attack?

Salvation is all or nothing. There is no halfway in this. God is not looking for a kingdom of part-time believers. He made it very clear how He feels about wishy-washy faith. (Rev 3:16) This is not your game to choose. Either jump in with both feet, or be left out where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. (Mat 8:12) It’s not a pretty picture and you don’t want to go there.

Have you given Him everything? Every area of your life? Are you trying to hold on to something you  just don’t want to let go of? If it’s right for you to have, give it to God to bless. Otherwise, you’re listening to the enemy. You belong to God, blood and spirit. Let Him redeem you fully and bless you  completely.

Another post on wishy-washy faith: Lukewarm Faith Makes Jesus Sick


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart




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