God is more interested in who you are than what you are.
Your life is not about your destination, it’s about your journey. Seriously. At the end of your life, what matters is who you are, not where you are. It’s awesome if the journey comes with a pool and private tennis courts, but how you got them is more important than having them.
God is not interested in your success. I know, that sounds harsh, but it’s true. He’s interested in your relationship with Him. If you can be trusted with success and still honor Him, then you are wise indeed. More often, success lures us away from the things that have eternal importance. There’s a reason why Jesus commented on how hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. (Mat 19:24)
The road you take is fraught with pitfalls and roadblocks. How will you manage them? Can you walk with your hand in His? It’s in the walking with Him that you hear His voice and the invitation to come closer. That closeness changes you. You become molded by Him, not by what you achieved, but by obedience to His voice.
The journey will take you further than arriving at your destination if you keep your eyes on God. Success in this world does not compare to the heights you can travel in the kingdom.
Another post on growing with God: How To Make Good Decisio