Praise To God Is Not About How Good He Makes You Feel

Praise God for who He is.

Praise God for who He is.

Praise to God is not telling Him how good He makes you feel. Have you noticed how many songs we sing in church are about us not Him? They’re nice songs, don’t get me wrong. I sing them a lot, because I love them. But when it’s time to praise God, I want it to be straight to Him, not a round about compliment about how I’ve been blessed.

Praise is about how good God is. It is declaring His holiness, His goodness, His beauty and mercy. It’s standing before Him in wonder and awe as we look on His magnificence. Our praise should go straight from our heart to God because of who He is, not what He’s done. There is a time for that thankfulness, but praise is about adoring God.

When we really get down to describing how awesome God is back to Him, it can be a very humbling experience. We see just how big and amazing He is. He is God and deserves to be praised for His holiness and grace.

Get over that nagging whisper that says that God is an egomaniac who demands praise from us. That’s the enemy trying to twist the truth. God is God, and His holiness is enough reason to draw praise from our lips, as well as all His other aspects that we love so much.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


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