Feeling Grumpy Is Not A Sin — Just Don’t Stay There

You are in charge of your feelings. Have you ever had one of those days when you didn’t feel all that righteous? I found myself feeling kind of grumpy and had a little talk with myself.

Me: You don’t seem very joyful, or anything.

Myself: No. I’ve decided that when my prayers get answered, I’ll be joyful, or anything.

Me: Hmm. Chances are, you’re going to be grumpy for a very, very long time.

Myself had to agree and then repent. If we can’t be joyful and expectant before our prayers are answered, it’s because we don’t really believe that they will be answered. The pre-answered joy is faith, because we know that God will do what He promises to do.

Do you need to have a conversation with yourself and get a little attitude adjustment? We all do from time to time. It just means that you need to admit that you haven’t trusted God as you should. Repent and claim His faith.

Having a bad day is not sinful. How we react to it can be. Don’t indulge in being grumpy.  Snap out of it. The longer you linger there, the more comfortable it will be to stay there. God has given us joy and love because He wants to us to live in His blessing.

Take care of your feelings and have a nice day : )


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


2 thoughts on “Feeling Grumpy Is Not A Sin — Just Don’t Stay There

  1. DeadThyroid

    It’s not my fault for being grouchy all the time. I don’t have a thyroid anymore. Absolutely no meds work for me. My life is horrible.

    1. Diana Symons Post author

      The woman with the issue of blood suffered for years. She pressed in to touch Jesus and He healed her. Turn your heart in love to Him. Find Him in your heart. You are blessed.


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