God Will Tell You His Secrets

Psalm 25 promises that God will tell you His secrets if you press into Him. Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me. It starts by wanting to know more about Him. This is not a casual interest, or a curiosity of the moment. This is a desire born of the soul to know the God who made the universe, to understand His heart and mind. It starts by asking. God is not a god who sits quietly, observing and not interfering. He wants to be active in your life and if it’s your desire to know Him better, He will respond.

The humble He guides in justice, And the humble He teaches His way. There’s the key. Don’t seek His knowledge so you can write a paper about it. Seek it because you recognized that He is awesome and full of majesty, yet so loving that He sent Jesus to save you. When He answers, it is not a dazzling epiphany that will answer all the questions of time. He teaches His way. It’s an on-going process. We go from grace to grace. He builds on His truth as we can receive and understand it.

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant. Here is the promise. When we seek to love the Lord with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength, He revels His secrets. The Hebrew for the word covenant is cowd (Strong’s H5475). It means secret counsel. You are invited into an intimate communion where God will share His plans, His covenant, and His desires for you and for humanity. This is the most awesome relationship you can imagine. He promises, I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel. (Isaiah 45:3)

This is not an empty promise. This is the real thing. Go after Him with everything inside you and see what He’ll reveal only to you.

2 thoughts on “God Will Tell You His Secrets

  1. Susan Sagun

    Beautiful thoughts and truths in this post Diana! I’m just completing a 40 month reading of the Word along with many others at my place of worship, Church of the Chimes. Every M-F we pour over 3-5 pages, seek understanding and insight and share via text with 1-3 partners. We also study it via our Life Group of about 12 people. The result has been just what you said. An unveiling of God sharing His secrets as each of us capture and share things that some of us missed at first but turned out to be life changing!! Praise God for His faithfulness!!

    1. Diana Symons Post author

      That’s awesome, Susan! Isn’t it amazing how the Lord speaks to us? I can’t get over it. It wrecks me every time.


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