Your spirit knows God’s will.
We all want to know if we’re doing what we’re supposed to do. We want direction. We want the handwriting on the wall to tell us exactly what God’s will is for us. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? We could stand in front of a blank wall every day and wait for the message to appear and we’d be good to go.
Sadly, we don’t live quite like that. However, we can go to God for direction. Sometimes we really hear Him. He speaks to our mind or through the scriptures or some other way. But what about the times we ask and we don’t hear Him?
Sit quietly with Him and listen. Start with confirmation about what you already are doing. How does that feel inside? If it feels unsettled, then press in for more. Does an idea pop in your mind? Something you never thought of before? The timing is not coincidental. Does it feel peaceful? Then keep doing what you are already doing. Peace is a great sign. Sometimes God points in the direction we should go and doesn’t say much until it’s time to change.
Pay attention to what your spirit is telling you. That’s the part that hears God better than your mind. It’s easier to know God’s will than you think.