After you go after God to renew your mind, what are you going to do with all those great ideas? Heaven is full of great plans for you and God wants to use you to see them happen. He is the essence of creativity so He’s going to spill that into you when you ask for it. You have a higher calling. From housewife to CEO, your calling should lead you to greater encounters with a supernatural God in your daily life. How? Through your friendship with the Holy Spirit. He has amazing ideas, just ask Him. Every problem has a solution. Every cloud actually does have a silver lining. If the ideas that you already have aren’t scary when you think about how to make them happen, then you aren’t thinking big enough. Let the Holy Spirit show you pictures and dreams that He wants you to dive into. Nothing is impossible. You just have to prime the pump.
In the old days, you had to pour a bucket of water into the pump to expel air and start of the flow of water through the outlet. Today, you prime the pump by taking first steps, doing what you know to do. That bucket of water that you pour in is your faith to believe that God will back you up when you step out. If He put the dream in your heart, He’ll be there to see it happen. Be patient and work to be excellent. Dreams really do come true. God wants to use you to do things on earth as they are in heaven.