God is always wooing you to Him.
In the story of the prodigal son, the father had two sons. The father loved them both. One was missed when he left the house and went away. The other was missed when he refused to join the welcome home party. The father’s message to both sons was, Come home.
It’s the cry of God to His children–the wooing of His heart. We are loved. We are loved beyond comprehension, beyond reason of knowing. No matter where we are in life, the Father’s call is, Come home. I want you next to me.
If you’ve been away, come back. If you’ve always been there, go in deeper. We will never exhaust the levels of love and forgiveness in God. His love is a deep pool you can dive into and never find the bottom of. He is constantly calling us to a richer place where He can be all we need and all our desires are in Him.
Stop looking at what you want to see happen and put your eyes on Him. Seek first the kingdom of God, He’ll take care of the rest. His arms are out to receive you in a great big heavenly hug that heals and restores all you need. Set everything else down and come home.
Another post on the Father’s love: Choose To Be His Child
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