Jesus pursues us in love.
Our relationship with Jesus is a dance of sorts. He pursues us. He stands at the door and knocks on our heart to get our attention. By His kindness, we are convicted enough to hear His voice and receive His truth. And when we give ourselves to Him, He turns around and goes the other way.
Suddenly, we are pursuing Him! Once we see who He is in our life, when we really see Him, we want more. And there is so much more to have. He lures us forward step at a time so we go deeper into His grace, further and further into the holy of holies.
If we get sidetracked, He returns to the pursuit and convicts us to come back, and then we have to run after Him again. He will never let us be satisfied with what we have. He doesn’t want us be distracted playing with the wrapping paper when we haven’t even opened the gift.
Our pursuit after Jesus must never end. We must always want more and be ready to follow Him where ever He takes us. He knows what we love, so He will always have our best interest at heart. Pursuing Him is the best love story ever.
Another related post on finding Jesus: Finding Jesus Will Change Your Life
Wow…God led me to you at the perfect time. Just what I needed to hear.
That’s wonderful. What is God telling you in this?
What I heard is that the pursuit of Jesus is like a dance. He has always been there, at my heart, knocking…and I made the decision to let Him in and give myself to Him…more than a few times. The process of building my personal relationship with Jesus, does not just happen by letting Him in and accepting Him as my Lord and Savior. It also involves listening for His whispers and guidance, my pursuit and hunger for learning more about Him, through scriptures, prayer, meditation, reading inspirational and spiritual books. I also find being in nature fills me with His Presence, and I feel and know God when I am a channel of peace and love for someone. Your posts give me lots to think about: – )
What you have is awesome. It’s the growth of intimacy that will lead you deep into the secret places of His grace. Never let go. Always ask for more. He will take you to the sublime.
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