Only Jesus can fill our heart’s great need.
We were created to love God. We were born with a God-shaped hole in our heart that only He can fill. That’s why there is religion in every culture. The need to know God is great and common to everyone. The self-sufficiency of our society that says that God is irrelevant is a lie from the enemy. The need for God is still there, it’s just being filled with experience and toys and power.
The God-shaped hole is a hunger for something more, something deeper than chasing after experiences can offer. Other religion can only offer ceremony, nothing that goes deep to the core of our need. Without Jesus, we will always feel lacking in something profound and necessary.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Mat 5:6) God has promised that if you look to fill that hunger with what is right and true of God, you will be satisfied. In fact, Jesus said, I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. (Jhn 6:35) Jesus fills that void in our heart so completely that we will never feel at a loss again.
Run to Him. Embrace His salvation, and that heat-felt loss will be satisfied beyond your expectations.
Another post on needing God: You Were Born For Heaven
**************************************************************************The Key of David, by Diana Symons A story that’s been told for thousands of years… The Bible’s Book 1 Samuel tells the story of David’s life – from an obscure family to an unlikely king, from shepherd to warrior, from champion to king-maker. What does it mean for a man to love God and be loved by Him? This book explores what it means to be human in the light of the Kingdom.
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