God Does Not Remember Your Sin, Why Should You?

God forgives and forgets.

God forgives and forgets.

When you confess your sin to God, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (IJhn 1:9) Essentially, God forgives and forgets. When you say, “Oh God, I did it again”, He says, “Did what?” His forgiveness cleans the slate, every time. So why do we continue to beat ourselves up over something that’s no longer there?

We have an enemy who knows how to manipulate us. Those whispers stir up old strife and make it feel new and current. It’s a lie. When God forgives, there’s nothing more to confess. Rebuke the lie. Confirm to yourself that you are forgiven and move on. Don’t allow the enemy to make you feel guilty for past wrongs that have been forgiven.

If you continue to sin in the same areas, then you need to allow God to change your heart. A true relationship with God will make you want to live honorably for Him, and He’ll help you do that. His conviction will prompt you to confess sin, but then you need to change what you’ve been doing. Be obedient to do the right thing and don’t beat yourself up. Remember to rebuke the lie when it comes up and thank God for His forgiveness.

Another post on repentance: How To Repent


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

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