In our day-to-day world, honor is something that is earned. We honor great men because of their accomplishments. In some countries, honor is really self-pride. But as Christians, we are taught to honor one another, regardless of merit.
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another. (Rom 12:10) I have to say that this does not come naturally. We love to honor people when we see them doing wonderful things. We feel they’ve earned it. But God says that none of us deserve it, so we’re all in the same boat.
It takes intentional effort to give others preference when we don’t think they deserve it, but it’s a place to start. Allow God to redefine what honor means to you. Let go of the need for it to be earned. Honor others because God loves them just as He loves you.
Decide to be kind.Engage with the Holy Spirit for His kindness to move through you. Don’t wait for people to earn your respect, give it to them anyway. Imagine the blessing you can give a homeless person when you honor them with a gift they didn’t ask for, or a single parent, or your company janitor.
Honor others in kindness and you will attract the favor of God.