The meek shall interit the earth.
I started to say that God isn’t looking for doormats, but then I had to rethink that. Jesus said to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, give more than you have to. He doesn’t mind if other people get one up on you. He’s not looking at what you’ve got and how you look, He’s looking at your heart. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Meekness is a gentle, humble, quiet spirit. A quiet spirit can hear a still small voice easier than a spirit fighting to not be a doormat. Meekness gets God’s attention. IPet 3:4 says that a quiet spirit is of great price in God’s eyes, the price of the whole earth. Believe it or not, I can actually hear you thinking, “Uh-oh, no one would ever refer to me as meek, in any way, shape, or form.” Not to worry. Gentleness and kindness are fruits of the spirit and God gave them to you for free. Ask for what you know you lack. And when you start to see yourself responding in meekness, thank God – and ask for more.
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