Love God and allow Him to change you.
This renewing of the mind fascinates me. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Rom 12:2) The word for transform is the same word used when Jesus was transfigured on the mountain. (Mat 17:2) It is metamorphoĊ, the root for metamorphosis – a striking change in appearance, character, or circumstances.
It seems like that’s the kind of thing that would happen if you followed Moses up the mountain and stood before God. It seems too high and mystical for us normal people. But Paul was talking to us normal people. He says just do it. So, how again? Well, if we are not conforming to this world, that means that we are conforming to the next world, heaven. Our hearts and minds are set on the things of God, even as we live and breathe and have our being here. Metamorphosis, transformation, is a gradual process. We’re not expected to make a fantastic decision to be changed and wake up transformed. We’re to set our sights on God and let Him change us. Over time, faith upon faith, precept upon precept, we develop into the person that God sees when He looks at us. Jesus said to be born again, so we start out as babies and are expected to mature.
As we grow and mature, as transformation happens to our mind, God can trust us with greater authority. You’ll know how to speak to a situation and bring peace, heal the sick, raise the dead! This transformation is amazing stuff. I hope you’ve got your seatbelt buckled.
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