My Heart’s Desire Is To Be Friends With God


Imagine being friends with God.

Imagine being friends with God.

James 2:23 says that Abraham believed God and that he was called the friend of God. I’m pretty sure the two ideas are related. I wonder if Abraham was the first man who God approached. How many did not believe Him before Abraham did?

I want to know what it means to live like that today. How do I get to be a friend of God? I am not going to lay out five easy steps, because I am still working through it. I want to know. I do know that friends hang out together, so to be a better friend, I need to spend more time with Him. Friends say good things about each other, so the things I say about Him will be kind and true. Friends believe each other, so I will believe Him when He speaks to me.

Friendships are intentional. They take time and energy. They take some amount of sacrifice. But over all, they are based on mutual love and respect. I want to be known as a friend of God, by God Himself. I want to know His thoughts and sit in quiet places talking about the things of the universe I don’t know about. I want to know what it’s like to be friends with God. That is my one true goal in life.

Another post on friendship with God: Is God Your Best Friend?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



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