To those who don’t know the Lord, salvation is foolishness. (1Cor 1:18) They don’t understand their need to be saved and they don’t know the beauty of the Lord, so they see our heartfelt devotion as silly, wasted time.
What they need to see is the reality of the kingdom. That is, the power that comes with walking in Jesus’ name. The power of that authority brings healing, and that changes lives. The power breaks fear and depression. When people are delivered out of pain and sickness, God is revealed.
No one is impressed with pretty words or promises of afterlife. What they need to see is God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven. That will get their attention. Empty faith does nothing for anyone. But amazing faith to release the kingdom of God will draw people to Jesus.
Never hold back from letting God show off. As a believer, you carry the kingdom, so let it out. Be the source of life for people who need to be saved. Believe God to heal when you pray for the sick. Believe that He will provide for people who need it. He’ll back up what ever you trust Him for. It will supercharge your faith and bless the people you minister to.
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