True humility offers gemstones of praise.
The strength in humility comes from understanding that the good that we do comes from the grace of God. No one is good but One, that is, God. (Mat 19:17) When we accomplish something significant, it’s easy to feel good about ourselves, but that accomplishment is done through God’s grace. Receive the praise that you get. That’s not a bad thing, but then turn and give what you have received to Jesus.
It’s not bad to acknowledge that you did something good. It was your work and effort. It’s false humility to say it wasn’t you, it was God. You did do it, so be happy about it. But when you are alone with God, give Him the praise He deserves.
When you do that, He smiles and says, You liked that? Want to see something even better? Then you can trust Him for the next great thing. The more you thank Him for, the more He can do for you. If you hold onto all the praise, you’re left to your own human efforts. That may take you to a certain level, but not nearly as far as true humility will.
Never hold onto the praise that you receive. Use it to offer a beautiful gem at the feet of Jesus and let Him bless your next efforts with even greater success.
Another post on praise: Praise Opens The Difficult Doors
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