God’s love is greater than any imagination.
Don’t judge God’s love by how people love. There’s no real comparison. The Lord says, I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. (Jer 31:3) God’s love is real love, unconditional, passionate. There’s nothing fake about it. He never stops loving us. Everlasting is for all time, eternity. There’s nothing we can do to make Him not love us.
Through our rebellion and ignorance, He draws us to Himself. We don’t deserve it, He just loves us. We’ve watered down the term to be nearly meaningless. We love ice cream. We love Hawaii. We love sleeping in. But God said, I love you so much, I’m sending my Son out of heaven to be tortured and put to death so you can be with Me. And Jesus did it for joy set before Him. The joy of us being united with the God who loves us so much. It’s easy to keep our first love alive when we remember how much He truly loves us.
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