It’s never too late
God has a plan and a calling for everyone. It may not be a grand, global calling, but it is something suited to each one of us, something we can do whether we believe it or not. Some people know what that plan is and think it could never happen, not under current conditions. Some people have no idea what the plan is and don’t believe they have one. And some people can see the plan, know how to work it, yet refuse to do it.
Those people look like Jonah. Jonah heard God clearly. He knew exactly what he was supposed to do and ran the other way. But God would not let go of him. After God and Jonah came to terms, God still used him, despite his disobedience, and and entire city was saved, and much livestock.
Even grouchy Jonah knew that God as gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness (Jonah 4:2) Running from God is never a good idea, but God is gracious to forgive if you have. Your calling is still waiting for you to pick up. For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. (Rom 11:29)
Go back, repent, and don’t be grouchy. God isn’t grouchy with you.