It’s never too late
God has a plan and a calling for everyone. It may not be a grand, global calling, but it is something suited to each one of us, something we can do whether we believe it or not. Continue reading
It’s never too late
God has a plan and a calling for everyone. It may not be a grand, global calling, but it is something suited to each one of us, something we can do whether we believe it or not. Continue reading
Some things are hard to forgive. They may be major indiscretions or minor irritations. It’s hard to say why some things are just so difficult to let go of, but be aware that just because you have already forgiven someone for that thing doesn’t mean that it’s gone. Continue reading
How many of you think that once you became a Christian you would become a better person? Continue reading
Is there a problem between you and your friend, neighbor, co-worker? Continue reading
Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved. Continue reading
Perfectionism is not of God. He said to be holy, not perfect. Continue reading
Do you get frustrated that other people talk about hearing God, but it seems like you never can? Continue reading
Everything you do will come back one day.
Like it or not, everything you say or do is a down-payment for what will come back to you. Continue reading
A woman, known in the city as a major sinner, knelt at Jesus’s feet and wiped them with her tears and hair. Continue reading
But why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not do the things which I say? Continue reading