One of the great lies of the ages is that God is made at us. The image of an angry, unforgiving God has been carefully crafted by the enemy since the beginning of time. But even the Old Testament trials of Israel were always softened by God’s kindness and graciousness.
What does God think of you? You are His precious one. He thinks of you constantly. He wants everything that is best for you, to give you a future and a hope. If you have received salvation through Christ, He sees you through the blood in His perfection. He is happy with you.
Don’t allow the enemy, or anyone else, rob you of God’s joy in you. He loves you wildly and you need to know it. Of course, you are growing and making mistakes, but He knows that. You haven’t ever shocked Him. That’s why He sent His Holy Spirit, so we would have help in all the areas we need help in.
Condemnation is not of God. Love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness–these are of God, and that’s how He responds to you. His heart is so big, you can’t do anything to make Him stop loving you. Soak in that and it will change you life. God is happy with you : )