We all go through periods of feeling like the entire world is ganging up on us. Nothing goes right–nothing at all. It’s exhausting and depressing. We wish that someone would take over and deal with everything so we can take a nap. Chances are, that’s not going to happen. Chances are, you’re going to have to get through it on your own. Well, not really.
God is always with you. When you get down, remember that. He loves you more than you know. Go straight to Psalms. David was a man who had hard times, but always found a way to praise God in the end. It’s very encouraging.
You control your mood and it’s easier to change than you think if you turn your heart to God. Think about all the good things He has promised you. Can’t remember? Go through your favorite passages and write them down. Thank God for all that He’s done for you. Talk to Him about your dreams and what He’s leading you into. Turn that time into a planning session for what you should be doing to make those dreams happen.
Expect to hear Him and He will encourage you. He will. He’ll drop sweet messages to you all day long if you keep your eyes open. Once you learn to encourage yourself in the Lord, you never have to stay depressed again.
Dear Sister Diana, thaaank you so much for this blessed message. Babu.
On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 8:31 PM, Diana Symons