We Are Commanded To Ask For The Gifts Of The Spirit For A Reason

Desire the gifts of the SpiritAre you seriously perusing spiritual gifts? Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. (I Cor 14:1) This is not a suggestion. God made all the gifts of the Spirit available to us. It’s our responsibility to ask for them and use them.

There’s a reason for that. God wants you to hear Him when He talks to you. He’s got a lot to say about your life and what you should be doing in the kingdom. The Holy Spirit is our Counselor. What better guide through life could you have than God Himself?

Desire His gifts. Desire the ability to prophesy, which blesses other people. Desire the word of knowledge, which makes others aware how much God knows them and loves them. Desire the ability to speaking healing and deliverance.

Salvation is not just about securing a ticket to heaven. It’s receiving citizenship in God’s kingdom. That citizenship requires participation and fellowship with other citizens. We’re meant to help each other. That’s what the gifts are all about.

If the Holy Spirit and the gifts are foreign to you, sit down and read the Bible. See what it says for yourself. Then desire the things He tells you to desire. It’s for your own good.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



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