I live in California, so that means Palm trees grow everywhere–short fat ones and tall skinny ones. From time to time, a squirrel climbs a very tall Palm tree in my neighbor’s yard.
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Tag Archives: my destiny
Wisdom Will Help You Get To Your Destiny

Be sensitive to who can help you connect with your heart’s desires.
Whenever you get a sense of what God is really calling you to, you may have a lot of questions. How is this ever going to happen? How can I ever get to the place I want to be? Is this really possible?
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Position Yourself For Promotion

Your destiny will never die.
We are all called to be greater than we think. Even people with high ambition have no idea where God wants to lead them. We just need to connect with God to get there. Continue reading
Go For The Gold
Excellence takes work, there’s just no getting around it. The problem is that most people aren’t willing to put the time and effort into moving from good to great. Sometimes they don’t realize where the resistance comes from.
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Don’t Miss Your Future
Just because we can’t see what’s coming, we shouldn’t assume that there’s nothing exciting for us ahead. For some reason, we just feel like our future is a black hole of disappointment. Nothing could be further from the truth. Continue reading
What Is My Destiny?
If you don’t know what it is that you were made for, you need to find out. God has a unique plan for each of us, a plan that is more spectacular than you can imagine. He made you with skills and talents and dreams. Maybe you’ve stopped dreaming, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real. Think back to when you were young and life was still fresh. Was there something you really wanted to do? Is there still something? That silly dream you’d never tell anyone? Chances are, it’s something God put in you. How do you get there? Do you need to take classes? Let go of other stuff? Believe that God wants to make your dreams come true. Ask Him what you need to do to see it happen. No one can do the thing you were made for better than you.