For many people, the question of God’s relevancy is irrelevant. God is, full stop. But for a lot of other people, it’s a real question. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Word of God
To Whom Was The Bible Written?

The Bible is God’s love letter
Is the Bible an academicĀ treatiseĀ or a love letter? Why was it written? To whom was it written? Continue reading
A Believer’s Test
And these signs will follow those who believe Continue reading
The Powerful Use Of Voice
There is something amazing that happens when we pray out loud. Continue reading
Time To Get Off The Fence
How much of God’s word is real to you? Is some of it easy to believe and the rest just too much? That could be why you’re not seeing answered prayer. Continue reading
Wait, The World’s Not Flat?

Don’t assume truth.
There was a time when we knew the world was flat, the earth was the center of the universe, and Pluto was a planet. Continue reading
Keep A Noble Heart

You have to be good soil to bear fruit.
When seed falls on good soil, it can grow a hundredfold. That means that every seed sprouts and produces crop. Continue reading