Transformation isn’t always easy.
Transform or Die. Yikes! That sounds harsh, but no one said it was going to be easy. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.(Rom 12:2) Why? If you accept Jesus as Lord, isn’t that enough? Isn’t getting to heaven the main thing? Well, why did Jesus pray, on earth as it is in heaven, if we were just supposed to get saved and wait to die? We’re supposed to live with the Spirit of God making us more and more Christ-like. And we can only be that if we allow ourselves to be changed.
That transformation of our minds to the mind of Christ only happens by choice. We have to go after it. But here’s where it gets tricky. It’s all fine and good to tell God that’s what we want, then we have to be ok with what He does with that request. Transformation, by definition, requires change and we tend to hate change.
Ask God to remind you that He’s making changes in your life for your benefit. He wants to make you more like Him, but it’s going to hurt sometimes, especially if we fight against Him. What happens if we never allow our minds to be transformed? Our love for Him grows cold. We live and move by our own direction, not His. We can find ourselves completely outside of His will. Help us God, to always see Your hand when changes happen so we can move with You and not against you. Help us remember that You have a perfect plan for us.
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