Be The Salt Of The Earth

Be salt and light to a needy word.

You have within you exactly what the world needs.

If you are the salt of the earth, what exactly are you offering? Salt is flavoring and a preservative. It just makes food taste better. What are you offering the world that makes it a better place? As a citizen in the kingdom, you are responsible for being salt and light. If you’re not, you are obviously not really engaged in the kingdom.

But if salt has lost its flavor, how then shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. (Mat 5:13) Ouch! If you are not engaged enough in the kingdom to have something to give away, then you are in danger of being trampled under the feet of men.

How do you avoid that? By pressing in to know the One who loves you and died for you. Once you engage your heart with Him, you will overflow with the flavor of the kingdom. His essence will flow through you to a world desperate to know Him. They may not realize what they hunger for until they meet you.

Be salt to a hungry world. Be the source of light and life that is void in a generation lost to self obsession. You are exactly what they need.

Another post on giving out of the kingdom: Rise Up Disciple Maker


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

2 thoughts on “Be The Salt Of The Earth

  1. Pingback: Join The Tribe Of Peculiar People, God’s Holy Nation | Learning To Walk With God---Diana Symons

  2. Pingback: Be His Beauty In A Hard Place | Learning To Walk With God---Diana Symons

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