Category Archives: God

Did One God Become Three People?

what is the trinityI have a theory. I think that in the beginning, beginning, God was one, as in no Son, no Holy Spirit.
He was alone and He had this dream of creating a kingdom where we would live with Him in love and joy forever. He knew from that first thought that we would need help to do that, so He split Himself into three people. He’s God, He can do anything.

First, He spoke to those He called as prophets to hear His voice and set guidelines for how we should live. Then He sent His Son to model how we should live and make a way for us to live in His kingdom forever. Then He sent His Holy Spirit to give us the power and authority to live as the Son lived.

Paul says of Jesus, He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. (Col 1:15)

Not that anyone has seen the Father, except He who is from God. He has seen the Father. (Jhn 6:46)

Jesus said to him, Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Phillip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father. (Jhn 14:9)

I like the idea that God fell in love with us while we were still a dream. And to make that dream happen, He changed His very nature for us. His plan of salvation goes back before the foundations of the earth. It’s the love story that keeps getting better and better.

What do you think?


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


The Secrets Of Psalm 91

he that dwellsPsalm 91 is an extraordinary psalm. It is the promise that God will protect you from sickness and danger, no matter how many people standing right next to you fall. Continue reading