Have you ever had those days where you had to be reminded to have fun? Continue reading
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Forgiveness Is Easy If You’re In Love
Back Off! He’s Not The Enemy

Learn to live in Opposite World.
The truck driving way too fast cut you off and nearly caused you to collide with another car in the middle of the freeway. Yes, you’re blood pressure will go up, but cool your jets a second and take a breath. Even if the driver actually was a maniac bent on causing as many deaths on the freeway as possible, he’s still not your enemy. If that guy came to Christ, he could very well be your best friend in the Lord. God loves everyone. He is not willing that any should perish. (2Pet 3:9).
The real enemy is the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy. Satan comes against us all and we have to deal with him in spiritual terms. This is where God’s secret law of Opposite World comes in. He says to bless those who curse you. (Matt 5:44) Give your coat and your cloak. Remember, your kindness changes the atmosphere. Pray the opposite of the evil being done. Where there is injury, pray for healing. Where there is anger, pray for joy. Where there is ignorance, pray for revelation. Act in the goodness of God, not against what is bad. Your weapons in God’s Opposite World are works of the Spirit and what could be more powerful than that?
Transform Or Die!

Transformation isn’t always easy.
Transform or Die. Yikes! That sounds harsh, but no one said it was going to be easy. Continue reading
Change The Atmosphere To Good
Watch Where You Point That Tongue
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Wrong! Continue reading
God Doesn’t Need Your Worship
Is God really sitting on His big throne demanding worship to feed His inflated, narcissistic ego? Continue reading
Are Doormats That Bad?

The meek shall interit the earth.
I started to say that God isn’t looking for doormats, but then I had to rethink that. Continue reading
Don’t Walk Away From Blessing

Choose to receive all that is yours.
What are you going to do with all that blessing? What blessing, you ask? Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Eph 1:3. That’s a lot of blessing.
Every spiritual blessing. Just think for a minute about how much blessing there could be in heaven. Now realize that God has given all of it to you. Whether you believe it or not, it’s true. It won’t just rain down on you, you have to receive it. If you just don’t believe that God would bless you like that, then you walk away from everything that Jesus died for.
No, we don’t deserve it, but that’s all been covered on the cross. Now we get to enjoy the bounty of heaven. Living in His blessing is all part of His original plan. How it must grieve God’s heart when we don’t take what He is trying to give us. He is constantly blessing us, but we will only receive what we choose to receive. I say, go for it – arms wide and heart open. I’ll take anything and everything He has to give me. I choose to walk in blessing.
It’s Ok to Mourn
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matt 5:4
How callous would you have to be to not feel loss at the death of someone close to you? Mourning in this verse means wailing – that gut-wrenching pain of knowing someone dear is gone. We are supposed to be so touched by the lives of others that when they die, we feel their loss as personal pain. Jesus wants us to be that connected. And when we do mourn, He promises that the Comforter will come. It’s a simple verse with a worldview. We’re not supposed to be islands, self-centered, self-controlled. We’re supposed to be family, and when one family member passes, we should be effected by their absence. We should have sensitive hearts of appreciation for each other. I want that sensitivity. Knowing that the Comforter will be with me is just icing on the cake.
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