Rebuke fear and claim your peace
Did you know that nearly all physical and mental issues we suffer with stem from fear and stress in our lives? I wish I had an actual statistic to show how startling this is. Fear is the enemy’s number one weapon. We worry about everything, and then we suffer for it.
Fear is not God’s plan for us. Peace is His promise. We are meant to live in rest, fully trusting that God is in charge. It’s not easy. We’re so comfortable with our stress, that we don’t even realize how sinful it is.
Here are some steps to help live in peace:
- Fear not.
- Get your fresh manna from God every day.
- Stop worrying about tomorrow. Deal with today.
- Think about the angelic forces ready to act on your faith.
- Fear not.
- Do your best, and let God do the rest.
- Fear not.
- Speak peace to the storm.
- Go to God first, He’ll take care of everything you need.
- Fear not.
- Look for joy.
- Release peace in your workplace, at home, at school, etc.
- Know that God is always with you. Always.
- Take a breath and relax.
- Be at peace.
- Rest
It will take discipline. Recognize when you are starting to stress and remember that it’s a weapon of the enemy. Rebuke it. Claim your peace. Even in the middle of a hectic day, tell yourself, Return to your rest, o my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you. (Psa 116:7)
Another post on finding peace: Speak Peace To The Storm
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