Looking forward to a new year is always exciting, whether it’s a calendar year or a birthday. There are dreams and plans that we want to see happen. That’s a good thing. God likes it when we are expectant and trusting Him.
The problems start when we micromanage how we want this future to unfold. If our thoughts are glued to what we are expecting, we miss what God is really doing. That expectancy has to be balanced with an open faith to allow God to do things His way.
Also, when we get too focused on the future, we literally take our eyes off of God. Any time that happens, we’re in trouble. Make God the focus first and allow Him to do what you need. Expect a miracle. Expect open doors and opportunities, but keep you heart on the One who is moving on your behalf.
The key to every success in life is putting God first. Acknowledge when you wander ahead of Him, and get centered in His love. He has a future and a hope for you that is more than you are planning for yourself. Thank Him for it. Be grateful for everything He’s doing for you, and your future will be awesome.