You are making disciples when others watch your life.
Jesus said to go and make disciples. (Mat 28:19) Whether we like it or not, people will watch our lives and be influenced by us. That makes us responsible to be the heart of God everywhere we go. If we are flippant in our responses, if we lose our patience, if we become angry easily, we misrepresent the Father to people who are desperate for the Father’s love.
We all have issues that we need to clean up. It’s part of our human condition. Thankfully, God made a way for us to clear out all the stuff that doesn’t honor Him. All we have to do is confess our sins to Him, and He will forgive us. Repentance must be real. We have to change our ways and be led by His Spirit.
That kind of repentance is noticeable. That kind of influence is seen and felt by others who need the same touch of God. If you know you don’t show God well, confess it to Him. Ask Him to change your heart and take out anything that doesn’t honor Him. Allow yourself to be changed and molded by Him.
You may not feel like a disciple maker, but you are when others are watching you. Let your life be the influence of God to the world.
Another post on making disciples: Rise Up Disciple Maker
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