You have a job to do in the body of Christ.
Everyone has a place in the body of Christ. Everyone. And if you are not functioning in your place, then part of the body isn’t working. Just think about any body part that stopped working for you—you’d feel it. Imagine if most of your body wasn’t working. It would be a bad situation. Unfortunately, that is a picture of the church today.
I know you have a job. I know you have a family. I know you’re really busy. And? God has not called you to anything He has not equipped you for. You are completely able to do everything that you are meant to do.
Don’t assume that you have to go into ministry. Maybe you are supposed to raise up the next Moses or David. Maybe you are to help fund a missions project. Maybe you need to talk to your neighbor about healing, then pray for healing.
Whenever a body part sits idle, the rest of the body works in stress mode. It’s not natural. We all need to be working together to do the work of the church. You have a place and a function. And when you act in it, you release the kingdom of God everywhere you go. So, get going!