If Your Foundation Is Not Built On God, You’re In Big Trouble

How firm is your foundation? When you stop and think about it, there is nothing in this world you can trust. You can be fired or laid off your job. The economy could tank your business. People leave, they move, they change their mind, they die. Pick something that you depend on for stability and trust that is not God and look at how shaky that foundation is.

Jesus called the rich man who sat back after building his barns a fool. But God said to him, Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided? (Luke 12:20)

Faith builds strong foundationsBuild your house on a solid rock. Jesus is the only sure foundation. He will never leave you nor forsake you, but you have to trust Him. God knows that you need to survive. He knows you need to pay bills and get to work. Your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. (Luke 12:30-31)

If you can stop stressing about your life, God can begin to bless you with what you need. Faith is about trusting in what you can’t see. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. (John 10:27) If you belong to God, then listen to Him and follow Him. He will not lead you wrong. You may not understand why He does what He does, but His goal for you is for your best. Trust Him to know more than you do.

The stability of your foundation has to be in God. Nothing else will hold up in the end. Nothing.

The Shadow Of The Cross Can Change Us Deep Inside

The early church moved in such power that believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches, that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them. (Acts 5:14-15)

the cross changes us deeplyPeter’s shadow had the power to heal people. In a broader and deeper sense, the shadow of the cross has the power to save, heal, and deliver. When we allow the cross to cover us, everything that concerns us is touched, both bad and good.

The cross convicts us to do something about the bad elements in our lives. We already know about them, but God wants us to finally do something about it. He prods us to repent and receive forgiveness and blessing.

When the shadow falls on the good areas of our lives, we are reminded that only God is good. When we give Him everything we have, He blesses it to make it even better.

The shadow of the cross touches the deep places that no one else can see. If we give the Lord everything the shadow touches, He can change us to be what He sees we are. Don’t hold back from those changes. There will be a greater blessing in the end.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God Likes A Good Wrestling Match

God likes a good wrestling matchGod likes a good wrestling match. If we throw out a prayer request and hope it gets answered, it probably will not. But if we are persistent in taking that request to Him over and over again, He knows we mean business.

Jesus told the story of the neighbor asking for bread at midnight and finally getting what he wanted by persistence. (Luke 11:15) When the widow continued to petition the unjust judge, she was finally given help. (Luke 18:5)

When Jacob wrestled with God all night, God changed his name. And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” (Gen 32:28)

Jacob wrestled with God and prevailed! It sounds like an impossible thing to do, but God allows us to prevail over Him. Wrestling with God is not for the faint of heart. It takes determination and brute willingness to persevere. There are no quitters in the Wrestling With God Hall of Fame.

How badly do you want your prayers answered? Will you wrestle for it? Will you continue to remind God of His promises? It is a wrestling match, but more to do with our own emotions and ability to stay focused in faith. But to those who endure to the end, the blessings are promised and will come.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Feeling Grumpy Is Not A Sin — Just Don’t Stay There

You are in charge of your feelings. Have you ever had one of those days when you didn’t feel all that righteous? I found myself feeling kind of grumpy and had a little talk with myself.

Me: You don’t seem very joyful, or anything.

Myself: No. I’ve decided that when my prayers get answered, I’ll be joyful, or anything.

Me: Hmm. Chances are, you’re going to be grumpy for a very, very long time.

Myself had to agree and then repent. If we can’t be joyful and expectant before our prayers are answered, it’s because we don’t really believe that they will be answered. The pre-answered joy is faith, because we know that God will do what He promises to do.

Do you need to have a conversation with yourself and get a little attitude adjustment? We all do from time to time. It just means that you need to admit that you haven’t trusted God as you should. Repent and claim His faith.

Having a bad day is not sinful. How we react to it can be. Don’t indulge in being grumpy.  Snap out of it. The longer you linger there, the more comfortable it will be to stay there. God has given us joy and love because He wants to us to live in His blessing.

Take care of your feelings and have a nice day : )


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Our Church Differences Make Us God’s Family

We are all family

We are all family

If we can agree that salvation requires our acceptance of Jesus’s death on the cross for our sins, can we give the rest a break? All the denominations and forms of church are not that big a deal. What if the “other guys” are actually ok? What if God’s just fine with how they do church? What if we’ve been just a tad Pharisaic in judging other churches?

The formality, or lack of formality, in a service doesn’t change who God is. I think He’s fine either way, as long as the expression of worship is heartfelt and not rote repetition without personal meaning. It may be the same prayer read every single time, but if the meaning and expression of it is sincere, then what’s not to love?

We want to relate each other based on preconceived ideas of how things are done. That’s helpful for basic understanding, but not for creating a community of believers. We don’t need an “us” against “them” mentality.

Stop and consider if there are worship or teaching formats that you don’t approve of and ask yourself why. If the heart is right, why would that format be wrong? Be open to other believers and how they love God. We are family and our differences are wonderful.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Carrying Stress Is Not Your Job

If you are living with stress, if something in your life is a burden, it’s not from God. There is a difference  between working through a mess and carrying it. Jesus said, Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matt 11:29-30)

Let go and let GodHe means it. If you don’t give Him your burden, you are not obeying His word. He can do what you can’t, so hand it over. Do what ever you need to do to hand off the issues to God and let Him do the heavy lifting. That doesn’t mean that you have no responsibility anymore. But it does mean that you stop stressing about it.

Are you facing payroll and have no idea where the money is going to come from? Fear will make you think of all sorts of panicky ideas. Faith will trust God. Do what you know to do and let God carry the burden for you. Faith is allowing Him to answer before you try to help. If payroll never comes and you have to close the doors, then everything you are is in His hands. Let Him open the next doors and then go through them. Find rest for your soul and trust Him. His plan is to let you live in rest.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Train Up A Child The Way He Should Go — It’s Your Job As A Parent

Train up a child the way he should go.

Train up a child the way he should go.

Parents have such a commanding responsibility in the way they raise their children. The current climate of inclusion and political correctness makes it difficult to teach what is godly and what is not. But ultimately, the responsibility of teaching belongs to the parents.

Train up a child in the way he should go,and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov 22:6)

The way he should go means that the child should understand his place in the kingdom. He needs to know that he will stand before God one day. (Thank you, Bill Johnson for that message.) He’s not going to learn that at school. He may not learn that at church or Sunday School. I didn’t when I was young.

Teach your children the reality of God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so the works that Jesus did, we can do too. Teach him to pray to move mountains. The faith of children is astounding.

If you became a believer after your children got old, it’s not too late to pray for them. A parent’s prayer is straight from the heart. Trust God and do not panic if your kids don’t know God. Praying for your kids is just like praying for anything else. You have to believe completely for what you ask for, then relax and trust. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (Jam 5:16)


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart



How Does It Feel To Know You Carry All Truth?

The Holy Spirits give us all truth.

The Holy Spirits give us all truth.

Jesus made a very shocking revelation about the Holy Spirit. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. (Jhn 16:13)

The Holy Spirit is here to guide us into all truth. That is critical because, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (Jhn 8:32) Without knowing truth, we cannot be free. But there is more than freedom being offered. We’ve been given the keys to understanding all the truth of God, who He is, what is available to us, how to use it, how to be successful in our jobs, our dreams, and our destiny.

So why does it seem like we don’t know anything? Think about receiving this truth as a giant basin of dirty water. The dirt doesn’t come from God, it comes from us and what we received from the enemy. When we give our lives to God, He begins to clean us up. Little by little the water is purified. It takes time because He only do what we’re willing to let Him do.

But if we submit our hearts to Him and repent and forgive and follow His direction in love, we begin to see that the basin contains gold that we couldn’t see before. It’s been there all along, we just couldn’t see it through the muck of our own making.

You have all truth. It’s yours as a believer. Now ask God to clean up your life so you can access the wonder that He’s given.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


Your Prayers Are Answered According To Your Faith

According to your faith, let it be so

According to your faith, let it be so

Whether our prayers are answered or not is up to us. I know, it sounds backward. We give our requests to God and expect that it’s up to Him to answer. But everything about God moving on our behalf depends on how badly we want it. Over and over again, Jesus told people, “According to your faith, let it be so.” If they only had faith for a minor healing, then that’s all they got.

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. (Mark 11:24)

This gets harder when what you are asking for is pretty big, but only in your head. Jesus said, For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise and walk’? (Mat 9:5) Healing a toothache or resurrecting someone from the dead or forgiving sin is all easy for God, so it doesn’t matter how big the issue is.

All you have to do is believe. The same miracles that Jesus did are waiting to be done today. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. If you believe, He will do it, so go ahead and believe big. If He’s going to do it, let Him do it all the way.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart


God’s Blessing And All Your Heart’s Desires

God blesses the desires of your heart

God loves you. He really does.

God is such a good Father. He loves us far more than we know. Yes, He will discipline us, but He also wants to bless us. And not with random blessings that may or may not mean anything to us. He wants to bless us with what we really want.

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Ps 37:4)

He wants to give us those dreams that we hold in our hearts that we may not even tell other people. He sees them. He knows what they mean to us, and He wants to give them. And He will, the condition is that we love Him.

When we love God, we enjoy His company. We love everything about Him– His goodness and kindness and joy. When we delight in Him, He knows it’s safe to bless us with our desires. If we hand over a wish list and expect Him to fulfill it without honoring and loving Him, we treat Him like a vending machine.

Check your heart and see if you are truly loving God. He will be everything you need Him to be when you give Him your love, your heart, and you all. And then be ready to be blessed.


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart