Finding The Now In Prayer

It’s hard to not always be thinking in the past or the future. That’s usually because we are dissatisfied with our present. If we always look to the past, it’s probably because we’re stuck in some pain that we can’t let go of. If we’re always looking forward, it’s because we’re trying to get out of our present. But there is great peace in finding God in our now.

God is all you need today

Focus on loving God for who He is now.

If there is pain in your past, then take it Jesus. Ask Him to take it from you. Give it to Him. Ask Him to fill you with His goodness. Then you can begin to enjoy Him for who He is to you now. Force yourself to not think past or future. It takes work. Concentrate on who He is.

Think about the great aspects of God and how much He loves you, right now. God’s name is I AM. He is God in your life. He is with you now in full power and full holiness. Bask in His presence and let Him fill you with a divine sense of who He is. It’s an overwhelming feeling being touched by Almighty God.

You will always have a future and a hope, but His mercies are new today. Love Him now and He will fill you for tomorrow.

Another post on how God loves you now: You Are Loved, Really Loved


Read the first chapter of my book Crucible Heart

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