The simplest prayer is no prayer at all. It is loving and being loved. It is looking into the eyes of the Father while trying to say thank you. You may try, but when his love floods your soul, the best you can do is smile through your tears. No words have to be spoken in a moment like that. The words are necessary for other times, but when you are locked into the heart of God, the best you can do is try to absorb it all. He knows that and it’s OK. In fact, you may go through seasons were all you do is weep when you think of him. It does something inside. I’m not sure what, but I feel it. Sometimes I choose to be wordless with him so I can just sit in his peace. Other times I couldn’t speak if I had to. The loving, the listening, the tears, and the wonder – it’s all prayer and it all matters.
Tag Archives: prayer
Prayer And Fasting Break Through Hard Places
Jesus gave us His authority to use His name. His name is the greatest power in the universe. We can use it to speak to the enemy and declare victory over any situation that we struggle with. But sometimes we need to pray and fast.
I don’t know why, but there are some situations that we don’t just win outright. A man brought his epileptic son to Jesus when the disciples couldn’t help him. Jesus said that this kind does not come out without prayer and fasting. (Mat 17:15-21)
So we know that we will run into situations that require more than faith, declaration, and prayer. Prayer and fasting together are a unique weapon against especially strong enemy resistance. I don’t understand how it works, but it does.
It may be that God will tell you when it’s time for prayer and fasting, but I would suggest that if your normal prayer does not work, then it’s time to pull out the big guns. Be sensitive to fasting. It can be done in any number of ways, but it needs to be something that you miss terribly by not having. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know how long and what you should do.
Your sacrifice builds a power against the enemy that nothing else does. Prayer and fasting will breakthrough the hard places.
Another post on prayer: How Do I Pray?
Finding The Now In Prayer
It’s hard to not always be thinking in the past or the future. That’s usually because we are dissatisfied with our present. If we always look to the past, it’s probably because we’re stuck in some pain that we can’t let go of. If we’re always looking forward, it’s because we’re trying to get out of our present. But there is great peace in finding God in our now.
If there is pain in your past, then take it Jesus. Ask Him to take it from you. Give it to Him. Ask Him to fill you with His goodness. Then you can begin to enjoy Him for who He is to you now. Force yourself to not think past or future. It takes work. Concentrate on who He is.
Think about the great aspects of God and how much He loves you, right now. God’s name is I AM. He is God in your life. He is with you now in full power and full holiness. Bask in His presence and let Him fill you with a divine sense of who He is. It’s an overwhelming feeling being touched by Almighty God.
You will always have a future and a hope, but His mercies are new today. Love Him now and He will fill you for tomorrow.
Another post on how God loves you now: You Are Loved, Really Loved
God Blesses Persistent Faith
I’ve been on a boat ride through this arch in Cabo San Lucas. It used to be a solid piece of rock, but over the years, the action of waves eroded it. Where there once was a wall, now there is an archway. Continue reading
Is God Going to Answer My Prayer?

God is always faithful to answer.
It can seem like no one is home in heaven sometimes. We pray, we wait, we assume that nothing will happen. If that’s the case, then nothing will happen. Continue reading
When Does God Need Your Help?
If God made heaven and earth, does He really need us to do anything? You’d think He could manage anything He wanted to. The answer is yes and no.
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Learn To Wait With Expectation

Prayer is expecting an answer and being patient while waiting.
Living in the kingdom is to learn all about God’s upside down world. The first will be last. Give so you will receive. Lay down your life so you will live. It’s all counter intuitive. Continue reading
There’s Nothing Fussy About Prayer

Prayer is just a conversation with God.
Praying to God does not have to be a formal affair. After all, we’re family. For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. (Gal 3:26) And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, Abba Father. (Gal 4:6) Abba means Daddy! Continue reading
Enhanced Human Performance
There’s always discussion in the sports world about athletes using performance enhancing drugs, or even prosthetics that give them a competitive edge. Science fiction is famous for the idea of developing the human brain beyond normal capability. We love movies and TV shows about people with advanced mental abilities. Continue reading
Remembering Emmanuel
One area that I know I have trouble in is praying without ceasing. (1Thes 5:17) I think most people would admit it too. It’s just too easy to be caught up in the things that make up our day. It’s not that we live sinful lives, or we don’t want to remember God always, but we have jobs to do and they require our full attention.
It is with humility that I remember Emmanuel. God is always with me. Always. He never ceases to think of me. He has plans for me and blessings I can’t begin to imagine. The failure to communicate is not on His part.
I believe that the Holy Spirit will partner with me to pray more. By this I mean that I will ask Him to remind me during the day to stop and talk. Praying is conversation. I need to talk to Him about my day, my thoughts, my goals, my concerns for other people. The other end of that conversation is listening. He wants me to hear Him as much as He wants to hear from me. If He nudges me for my attention, I want to stop and listen. Maybe He knows a better way to work the spreadsheet or sew the hem. I believe that He’s concerned about the things I have to do and He probably knows the best ways to do them. I’ll listen to that. Because I stop to listen to what He says about earthly things, I can hear Him better when He talks about heavenly things.
Holy Spirit, I ask you to make Your presence known to me all day long. Nudge me when I drift way from that reality. Pull me back to remembering Emmanuel. I know You never leave me, but help me to not forget you. Help me be obedient to pray always.